Monday, April 5, 2010

Pregnancy Complaints

So far, pregnancy is not the beautiful thing I thought it would be. I know there are wonderful days coming my way. But I am counting down to the time where my symptoms consist of feeling the baby move and getting to enjoy lots of milkshakes! So far, my only symptoms are exhaustion and puking (and some other not so pretty conditions, that I will not share on this blog). Apparently, this is supposed to happen and makes sense when you consider everything that is happening in my body to make a tiny human.

Sometimes, when I can tell my husband is eyeing the piles of undone laundry or complaining of having nothing to eat, I like to say things like, "Did you know I made eyeballs for our baby today? Isn't that amazing????" Ha. I can take no credit for this. Our amazing Creator is doing all the work for me, but it makes me feel like I am not such a bad wife for letting the cleaning and cooking go to pot for the last 7 weeks.

Before you judge me and tell me I am a horrible mother-to-be - I am partially kidding about my complaints.

I am trying to keep a positive attitude and remind myself of the blessings I am receiving throughout this time. While, there are days that I just cry from the pure exhaustion of being sick and tired - I have to admit that there is a joy inside of me that is getting me through it all. It is not a joy I have experienced before. But a love that is growing everyday for this little being I have never met. I also feel like I am falling in love with my husband all over again. I really appreciate the way he has cared for me in the past months and I know that he will be an amazing daddy when our little Peanut arrives. I couldn't ask for a better partner in life and am so thankful God has given him to me. I don't deserve him.

P.S. I have finally found the cord to our camera and plan to blog about our trip to visit Ben's parents in South Carolina and share our Good News with them! Stay tuned.


The Penter Family said...

Hang in there! It's almost over and then when you hit your second tri-mester, you will have ENERGY and forget all about the sickness!!! For now, just take lots of naps and don't worry about the laundry! It's normal to be exhausted.

The Penter Family said...

Hang in there! It's almost over and then when you hit your second tri-mester, you will have ENERGY and forget all about the sickness!!! For now, just take lots of naps and don't worry about the laundry! It's normal to be exhausted.

{Amanda} said...

Sorry that it's been a tough 1st Tri- Baby G must just be growing like crazy in there =) You're almost there...almost to the next part!

This too shall pass...

Kimberly said...

Hey, I found your blog through another blog. Hope you dont mind if I comment. I remember being in the middle of the first tr-mester and MISERABLE! It is so hard hearing people say "it wont be long and it will all be over with." Just the thought of puking everyday for 3-4 more weeks, makes you want to cry. However, it is true that you forget how bad it is. I remember saying that I would NEVER have another baby. However, after a few years, I was ready to do it again. I also thought that 12 weeks was going to be a magical week for me when all the sickness would go away. It did not end for me at 12 weeks, it was more like 16 weeks. I hope that is not the case for you, but just in case, you should be prepared.

It wont be long and you will be feeling good, have a lot of energy, and feeling your baby kick and move all the time. There is no better feeling!

-- Laura -- said...

I did lots of crying at that stage, too... and I do lots of crying now, I guess! The middle really is fun though, and from what I hear, it's ALL worth it once they are here... I'll let you know - hopefully sooner than later! ;)

Alicia said...

I hear you, Jamie! It is absolutely no fun to be sick, just ask Cort I was throwing up everyday for months w/Caroline. I couldn't cook (especially meat) or brush my teeth without puking. I even told Josh, I hope you love Caroline, because I will NEVER be doing this again:) It is definitely worth it in the end and hey look I'm even crazy enough to actually have another. Although, I have only been sick 3 times with this pregnancy. I'm sorry you feel bad and will keep you in my prayers that you can find some relief. Soon you will be nesting like crazy and decorating that nursery will be top priority. You will be amazed at how productive you will be in a couple of weeks. I've redocorated my house, cleaned closets, and organized everything...the nesting instinct will kick in soon!

The Faucett's said...

Pregnancy gives you the right to complain about anything you want to! I hope little Grizz lets you feel better soon!

Maegan said...

I felt exactly the same way when I was pregnant! Especially about not wanting to complain and falling in love with my man all over again.

Just enjoy exactly where you are. You will never have these days with your first baby again-so cherish each moment-the great and the exhausting.

Being a mommy is joy incomparable. All these days are leading up to the most precious gift from the Lord!

The Wood Family said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I know you two are so excited!!!!